Our staff serves Evergreen by facilitating environments for us to gather, worship, heal, and grow together. We want to create soil in which people can grow as passionate followers of Jesus through service, exploring the text of God's story, a posture of authenticity, and a belief that we're all recovering from something. We are eager to see the ways in which God will continue to move in us.

Brandon Smith

Lead Pastor

Stephanie Smith

Associate Pastor

Tom Walcott

Associate Pastor

Lisa Hazard

Community Life Director

Chris Vredevoogd

Kid’s Ministry Director (Birth-5th)

Jesse Moes

Youth Director (6th-12th grade)

Jonathan Cordero

Worship & Creative Arts Director

Kari Dunham

Recovery Ministry Director

David Kremers

Administrative Assistant

Alice Scholten


Brent Whittaker

Operations Director

Jordan Dyk
