Meeting Information at Evergreen Ministries
Alcoholics Anonymous - Open Meetings
Monday through Friday 12:00 PM - Pine Room
Saturday - 8:30 AM - Pine Room
Gamblers Anonymous
Wednesday - 10:00 AM (Open) - Pine Room
Bridge To Life 12-Step Meeting
Sunday - 7:00 PM (Open) - Pine Room
Wednesday - 6:30 PM (Open) - Pine Room
Overeaters Anonymous (OA)
A 12-step community of people seeking to recover from a problematic relationship with food, such as compulsive overeating, or a restrictive eating-disorder.
Saturday - 9:00 AM (Open) -Maple Room
Recovering Couples Anonymous (RCA)
Recovering Couples (RCA) is a program for couples suffering from various addictions or dysfunctions, but desire to remain committed to each other and restore their relationship to health and a deeper intimacy.
Saturday - 7:00-8:30 PM (Closed - Call first)
Call: (616) 638-7710
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Evergreen Ministries
Emergency Contacts
Local AA 24-hour helpline: (616) 913-9149
Ottawa County 24-hour Crisis Line: (866)-512-4357
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988